Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris: From Prosecuter to VP to President

Introduction: The astrological chart holds the key to our most profound nature, our true identity. In its purest form it represents our archetypal Self; a Self that is always growing, evolving, and changing, through ups and downs, successes and setbacks, all part of the intricate cycle of self realization and actualization.

Each of the 360 degrees of the zodiac represent a symbol that speaks to the essence of that process. This set of symbols are known as the Sabian Symbols, passed down through the centuries from the ancient philosophers, astrologers and astronomers from the Sabian period circa 600 BCE (*see footnote).

The specific degree of each planet, asteroid, calculated point and cusp of the astrological chart can be understood as a set of keys that can unlock or open the doors to the inner world of ones chart, to its holistic meaning. 

Vice President Kamala Harris: Birth Chart: October 20 1964: 9:28 PM Oakland Ca. 

An overview of Kamala Harris's chart reveals a woman who is highly skilled, highly motivated, and highly disciplined. In this analysis of her chart I have chosen to begin with the placement of the asteroid/planet Chiron in Pisces at 14 degrees in the 10th house of leadership and career. This is the house that I first look to when the native's professional career is paramount to their lives. It is also the house that I pay closest attention to during an election cycle. 

Auspiciously, on November 5th, 2024, and in the months preceding, transiting Saturn will be in conjunction (the same degree), as Kamala Harris' natal chiron in the house of career. The Sabian Symbol for her Chiron is as follows:

A champion swordsman studies a film of one of his fights-frame by 

frame-in order to improve his skills.

                Interpretation: Analyzing and perfecting a multistage process by breaking it down into component parts; solving technical or scientific problems through intense, protracted concentration (conquer the mind's tendency towards distraction; aspire to machine like efficiency in their use of time); perfecting a mental or physical skill through focused practice; problems involving precise timing or synchronization, as in the gearing of a clock; concentrating on a particular task vs. reconsidering the larger framework of one's life (rudderless); balancing focused work with carefree play (prefer to work in isolation but are very social and even raffish when off-duty); talent for teaching based on an ability to break down complex ideas into simple components; attention to significant details. (G. A. "The Zodiac by Degrees." ).

Having this symbol for Kamala Harris' natal Chiron, in the house of career, speaks for itself, and it is exactly what we are seeing transpire in the days following President Biden's exit of the race, and her accepting the torch. The fact that it will be transited by the planet Saturn is a good sign for Kamala Harris because Saturn represents structure, discipline, and as one of the ruling planets of the sign Aquarius, it represents change and progressive politics. Of note, Kamala Harris also has her natal Saturn, in the sign of Aquarius where it is exalted. 

Some might say that a transit by Saturn is bad news, however, given that she is no stranger to a disciplined and tempered approach to her life and her career, this transit will only serve to strengthen her during the coming months, of the attacks on her credibility and integrity by those who are threatened by her expertise, passion and agency.

Another important point in the chart when the native is in a position of leadership is the MC Midheaven, the Zenith, a.k.a. high Noon. The degree for Kamala Harris' MC is 2 Pisces. The following Sabian symbol, speaks directly to her soul work, her destiny, and that she does not live her life as a victim, rather as a survivor; accepting the challenges of her life, her race, her gender. She lives in the present, and exhibits a passion for overcoming obstacles. 

"A woman stares at the body of her husband, which is hanging by a noose from the branches of a dead tree. On another branch, a raven looks down and chatters cheerfully."

Interpretation: "Sober reflections on the deeper meanings of life and death; looking squarely at the facts; accepting a bad situation, but recognizing that 'this too shall pass'; surviving life's trials and helping others deal with similar problems; analyzing some aspect of human society; offering an astute opinion after scrutinizing the evidence; sharp-tongued criticism (dark humor that makes light of a grim situation); getting to the bare bones of a situation by stripping away falsehoods; seeing the full ramifications of a situation vs. falling into simplistic conclusions; dealing with loss (pessimism, depression); learning to forgive oneself and others vs. pointless squabbling and an unwillingness to let other people off the hook; stubborn independence of perspective."

     At this stage of the race, I believe these are the most pertinent and profound, key take-a-ways from Kamala Harris' chart. They symbolize both ends of the spectrum of her humanity; her personal and her political  achievements and struggles. Her status and her position in this race, as the newly minted presumptive candidate for the democratic ticket, they speak to the personal as political; the existential nature of the swing of this pendulum between an ideology of hate, isolation and fear, and that of integrating all people, all ideals, and, as hard as it is, of  galvanized ideologies. 

    The message that I am getting from an intuitive sense of her chart is that the time has come to meet the challenges head on. Many are saying that America is still not ready for a Black woman to be president. The reality is that at this rate, we never will be ready. To use the analogy of the Libra/Aries axis: Libran's have long been associated with the scales of justice, but also with being conflict avoidant, which can consequently simply drag out the conflict, for which a great deal of control and manipulation is needed; an exhausting dynamic. On the Aries end of the dynamic the impulse is to "just get it over with." What may appear violent on the surface, can actually be a more compassionate and honest approach. 

    What we can be sure of is that Kamala Harris will not run from adversity or avoid this existential opportunity to reveal the heavy hand of insidious justice on the scales of liberty. 

    In fact, she was born on the full moon, and is intimately aware of the Aries/Libran axis; her moon in Aries, her sun in Libra. 

* The Sabians were ancient astrologers and astronomers (600 BCE), and were attributed powers of prophesy. Their spiritually informed belief system also rested on a philosophical framework that informed Greek Philosophy, and upon a rational system of statutes and ordinances. Ironically, their celestial deities were opposite to that of Western astrology and modern times; the moon was worshiped as a God, the sun as a Goddess, and Venus as the God of agriculture and the harvest (M. Eliade. Encyclopedia of Religion. V. 1, 5, 7, 13).